Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 things I wrote for facebook

Once, you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things. At the end, you choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. My patron is St. Patrick, who is also the patron saint of snakes and beers
2. I have reoccuring dreams of tidal waves
3. Like XXXtina, Heather and half of the Beatles, I am also left-handed
4. Pine trees are my least favorite tree
5. I’ve never cheated at a board game
6. I have been a vegitarian for 10 years, but the first thing I would eat if I stopped is Fried Chicken
7. I kiss my cat on the lips
8. I DO judge people by their musical choices
9. My idea of a perfect first date is going to Aquarium and the record store and then delicious food
10. I may pretend like I have elevated tastes, but the only thing I like to watch on TV is the trashiest trash
11. I’m a science fair champion (more than once)
12. I can knit, but only variations on square things (scarves, table runners, potholders, coasters etc)
13. I know all the dance moves to The Brady Bunch Family Song "Keep On!"
14. The most expensive article of clothing I own is my Doc Martin MONSTER Boots. the second most expensive article of clothing I own was only about $35 (My converse)
15. Sandwiches are my favorite food
16. I wrote and directed a full length play for children
17. Writing Blogs makes me feel less lonely
18. I don’t wear make-up because because I feel it gives girls an unfair advantage over boys in terms of being good looking
19. I am very impatient,but that’s only because I get so excited
20. One of my life goals is to walk across hot coals (and to climb out the top of a stalled elevator)
21. I was almost an anthropologist
22. I have no tolerance for rudeness
23. My ears are pierced eight times
24. I feel like I grasp the magic of both objects and spaces
25. Like Keith Richards, I understand that while the rock is important, of equal importance is the roll

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dear Marlin Fishermen (and women)

Fuck you.
I am going to start caring big fucking hooks around with me so that if I ever meet you I can hook your face.

I am not 100% positive this is true,by the way. I went to the website but I am not sure. Also, if anyone wants to buy me that tee shirt that would be pretty awesome!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Do you, like me wonder how calendar stores stay in business February through November? Does this curiosity then lead you to wonder how inflated the cost of calendars must be?

If you are a nerd like me you will probably like this movie, it is a little long but a delight the entire time.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Ann Coulter is acting like a C word

C is for Crazy!

I try to stay apolitical (as a good anarchist) and so I title this without any liberal bias- that being said have you seen this video of Ann Coulter on the Today Show? I mean just watch a little of it:

(full disclaimer: while not passing political judgement I am 100% team today show and had Ann Curry been conducting the interview I would wager that Ms Coulter would have to have her jaw wired shut again. Also for the record I have strong opinions about Ann Coulter politically that I will not disclose but feel free to contact me offline if you are really interested)
SERIOUSLY, are you Five years old Ann? Or worse 14? You are behaving like a rejected highschool student who when backed into a corner only talk louder, clinging and repeating a half-truth. She may be a genius in some regard because I can't stop watching this (in the same way that I can't stop picking at a scab) embarrassment for her washes over me.

I read an interesting article about a woman who's PMS is so severe that her husband of 17 years left her, citing that very fact as the singular reason for his departure. The woman claimed ignorance that anything was out of the ordinary with her until the very moment he left her, received treatment and six months later they are reunited and happier than ever. This story reads almost like a fortune cookie "An action you perceive as normalcy in actuality is devastating for everyone around you"

Unlike this woman I am very conscious of my own inability to contain my gloom, projecting a virtual little black rain cloud of despair. Guess what - I am unapologetic.

Speaking of being emo: This is a real website and I could not be more disappointed that I am only finding it now and NOT ten years ago when I was 16.

This makes my heart soar