Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A potpourii of nothing much
*I have been listening to a lot of NPR lately while by computer was in the shop. I LOVE it! A) Because I feel so grown up, and B) I have so much more knowledge of the world.
*I have also been having some tentative adventures in cooking. Lets just say- its maybe not the happiest of endings, and I can only appreciate the patients and faked sounds of gastronomical delight of my favorite guy. How do you even cook anything?
*I am starting to feel the slow panic of Christmas shopping overwhelm me. I am so so so so behind (well actually im not behind at all, because to be behind i would have had to have actually started)
* This cold snap has made a little tuna head incredibly lovey and snuggly. Nothing puts a cat in a lap like subfreezing tempatures in an apartment warmed by a spaceheater
Friday, November 13, 2009
Reflections on Seeing the Pixies to-night
2. Doolittle came out a really long time ago (I was 7)
3. People who like the Pixies are really bad dancers
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
When all words fail she speaks, her mixtapes a masterpiece
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Golden Olive
Truthfully, we didn't even set out to eat at the Golden Olive! We didn't even set out to eat Greek food, we were trying to eat Japanese before a movie. However all the Japanese resturants in Wallingford were packed out or shady and it was pouring down rain and we were on foot-- so my much smarter companion suggested well why don't we just eat Here- which like most great discoveries was the happiest mistake.
We ordered appetizers, and a salad and main plate to share. I was a little nervous when I went in because Greek food is generally not very "veg friendly" and, but the menu had lots of options. Like a ton of options! We had a Spanakopita, Mediterrianian Shrimp Salad and the Pistachio Mushroom Spaghetti. Everything was delicious! The Spanakopita was flaky and light but still filling, and the Pistachio Spaghetti was salty and delicious. But the best was the salad, with fresh tomatos, mozzerella and basil- AND it really made me really appreciate the difference between good basalmic vingar and just regular type I buy at Trader Joes. The dressing was tart but also a little sweet and pinched the glads right between your jaw and your neck.
Also- all the employees were women! And really Greek! At the end of our meal we were thanking our waitress(slash owner maybe?) and she told us very sternly if we do not go on the internet and tell everyone about our dinner The Golden Olive would close. Rather than risk that- here you go! It's not often you get homework with your dinner!
Here is the website right HERE http://www.thegoldenolive.com/ but the website doesn't really do the place justice.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Yo! Ga!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
You guys! I can't believe it!
Worst story Evar
Friday, October 16, 2009
This really creeped me out
It breaks myHeart-art-arrrrt-art-art- art!

Look how cute she is! I think the problem is- she just has little tiny delicate elf hands, where as I have tiny stubby hobbit hands with gigantic finger nails- so no matter what I do I will never have sick 50s fingernails and it breaks myHeart-art-arrrrt-art-art- art!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
It's All Gone Peter Tong
It was weird to hold my jewelry after it was removed- kind of like when your tooth falls out! I could not believe how small it was (since I could never see it but with mirrors)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sonic Youth on Gossip Girl
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What the whAT?!?
Ch-Ch-Check it out!
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
John Darnielle | ||||
http://www.colbertnation.com/ | ||||
Plus it's cold! Have some common sense ladiez!
But regardless of your opinons on the above, can we get together and adleast admit that THIS is harmful to women everywhere?
I have difficulty understanding what 9 or 10 year old girl would want to be a devil for Halloween and a slutty devil at that? This blog has an interesting article about it http://blogue.us/2009/10/08/slut-princesses-tricks-or-treats/
Most people I know were a witch at least once when they were a kid- and the fun of being a witch is having a green face and an ugly nose. Even if you want to be pretty witch (totes understandable) -- seriously? High heels and fishnets? Halloween is about walking around in the dark for kids- is this even safe? Not to sound too much like Andy Rooney- but honestly- this just makes me sad.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
This is a list of the 30 best/infamous ghost photographs of all time. It is funny how some of the pcitures GRAB and CHILL you, while others are clearly fake. Maybe they are all fake- and I am just silly but there are a couple that make ghost fingers crawl up and down my spine
Friday, September 18, 2009
I would like this
A creeping, wet, slithering scent, dripping with seaweed, oceanic plants and dark, unfathomable waters.
How cool is that! I already smell like damp, oldman and paint because of my stupid moldy apartment, I feel like this could really compliment my scent story!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Emo like Brad Pitt
In recent weeks there have been reports that the two are struggling to keep their relationship on track. Brad is reported to have moved into a separate two-bedroom house from the rented family home he was sharing with Angelina and their six children in Beverly Hills.
A neighbour of his new lodge-style home told Grazia magazine: 'He only moved in quite recently. There have been a couple of nights when we've heard him playing Nick Drake quite loudly.
(though truthfully my lonely mope-ing soundtrack is generally elliott smith, Nick Drake and I have cried it out more than a few times :))
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Just Fantastic
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Obesity is expensive
From my new favorite site Everything is Terrible
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Future of The Left. . . Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Capitol Hill Block Party

Friday, July 24, 2009
The Beautiful Horror
Here are a couple of things about this:
Friday, June 26, 2009
I don't know if you heard but Michael Jackson Died . . .
I do find it interesting, (I have always found this interesting about the death of celebrities) what pictures different magazines and websites use to 'remember' MJ with. Almost all the tribute photos with the words Michael Jackson 1958-2009 splashed across were pictures of late 20s MJ, about half way through his transformation- like the Pepsi era. As some one who was famous for almost literally his entire life, and especially for someone who changed so dramatically over that much publizied life, how as an editor does one pick the picture that best represents Jackson as a whole?
Some other interesting things that have come to light today:
ONE: Michael Jackson effectivly stopped the internet: That is truly the most amazing thing (yesterday most news and psudo news websites crashed out because of public demand) is a way that was never seen before, not even September 11th. Bizzaro, that this wild nebulous thing "the internet" CAN be stopped, contrary to popular thought. (Which PS China has now effectivly banned google, so the free exchange of information can be stopped any old time the government likes, just keep that in your back pocket)
TWO: MJ left Paul McCartney the Beatles Catalog in his will This makes me very happy
THREE: Stars have taken to twitter or whatever to let us know what we think about all this. This is has always irritated me for some reason
FOUR: Perhaps strangest of all Lou Ferrigno was Michael Jackson's personal trainer?!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Another important real news story
Woke Up This Morning Part II
Nothing is Really Free
Anyway you know one of my favorite blogs ever is Videogum (if you didn’t just look over at that side bar! It is number one on my favorite links) and it is usually snarky and funny and irreverent and etc. But today the boy writer of Videogum had a really great, reflective piece on a comedy show he got to go to free- but it isn’t really about that of course- its an examination of his (our) sense of entitlement and disillusionment and so many other things. And its funny and sad and so close to the EXACT same feelings I have had is similar situations and how much that sucks. And the desire to maybe not be snarky and funny and irreverent all the time but how that is impossible now as an adult, and also the strong desire to share this discomfort with others- but also an understanding of how futile that urge can be. I don't even know who Louis CK IS, but I could insert dozens of other names in there for an identical effect
It’s a little long, but I really recommend reading it-- here is a little taste! (Spoiler!)
. . . And so now you are basically not even enjoying this rare moment with a world-class comedian telling stories off the cuff because you're absorbed in this long-winded, self-absorbed interior monologue you've been having a lot lately about where your life is headed and what you really want and blah blah blah you are so pedestrian, seriously, get over yourself.
READ There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Louis CK Show
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Debbie Does Salad
Woke up this morning
Monday, June 22, 2009
2 Movie Things
The first Images from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland were released today and it looks BEAUTIFUL! I am a big fan of Tim Burton but for a long time he has sort of stopped making real movies and has only been recreating old movies that people already like, with less than tantlizing result- so I was less than pumped for Alice in Wonderland- BUT it is allegedly going to be really really creepy and based on some of these images, it has a lot of promise!Thanks for the hot tip Catie! You can check out all the pictures here
Also, have you heard of this movie "All About Evil" Today I read the first article I have seen about it, but it looks bloody awesome!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Modern Cinderella
Monday, June 15, 2009
Eat No Meat
Outside of my personality "quirks" that make it difficult for me in the real world, I have a lot of other better reasons to not make the digital conversion, that I have been thinking about for awhile now. I was TV free for years, but then when I started having roommates I sort of fell back into the habit. There isn't anything wrong with watching tv- except that I feel like it makes me (and I really do mean ME, the person I can barely control, sarah -this whole line of thinking is only about me, so no judgement. It's like being vegitarian, I don't think badly about anyone who eats meat, I just know for myself it is the right choice not too) OK with all that out of the way. I don't have TV anymore because i think it makes me really lazy and also we have all these amazing devices we use to save time (like cars and washing machines and microwaves) but what do I do with my extra time? I watch TV! That is dumb. So I will still be able to watch some tv on my computer, and I will still have a TV to watch movies on DVD but I am going to try at least for a little while to go tv free and see what I can accomplish.
OH yes one more thing! Recently I was lucky enough to be a back up dancer in a movie for the opening of the 20 Funny Festival and this is the movie! During the dance sequence you might notice one person sort of standing off to the side, and maybe not even really dancing the right dance with the group and it kind of looks like they just ran up and tried to join in- but it's not that! It's me! :)
Friday, June 12, 2009
And I thought the headlines on the Seattle Times were bad. . .
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sasquatch 1.5 Days in
Vince Mira was. . . awesome, so fun, kitch, cool
The Gaslight Anthem was. . . terrible, not the tight band that I saw at the High Dive last month, poor sound
Passion Pit was. . . ok from what I saw. I was distracted by sitting in the shade for most of their set and so I didnt see all of it but it sounded fun and dancey and in response the crowd was fun and dancey
King Khan and The Shrines were. . . it is pretty early in Sasquatch to call this but probably the best of the weekend (fully admiting I have yet to see my most anticipated band of the festival Murder City Devils who may blow this whole sentence out of the water)
Shearwater was. . .boring in passing but they really didn;t get a fair shake of me causually walking by
Animal Collective was. . . good. I really dug their scene for about 25 minutes before I lost interest. They sounded sort of like a water color painting
The Decemberists were. . . so wonderful, although have we come to expect anything different from them at this point? I was lured away about half way through their set by the promise of illicit beers, which honestly make them sound all the better
Viva Voce was. . . beautiful but so dull. I love them and I have seen them bring it in other settings (even other festival settings)
Street Sweeper Social Club was. . . honestly, I had little to no interested in seeing this band, being a lukewarm at best fan of Rage Against the Machine. I was plesantly blown away by how fun and big Tom Morello's side project was. My favorite part, the lead singer (?) declaring "Street Sweeper Social Club is not a band! It's a social club!!" and their cover of MIA introduced "we have a new album coming out, and this song is NOT on it"
The Walkmen were. . . boring, and seemed disinterested in even being here despite their audience best efforts to like them.
The Red Wine Boys. . . were some bullshit in the comedy tent while I was waiting in like for the port-o-pottys and were not funny. However I will say that was probably the most plesant honeybucket experience i have ever had- way to step it up gorge!
Fences was. . .plagued by sound troubles and super fussy about it. That being said they were super pretty sounding, but it is difficult to remain engaged fully in the heat of the day through a set who's most memorable characteristic is a low pitched buzzng noise.
SO that brings us to 4:08 PM on Sunday.
Upcoming is . . . St. Vincent, The Wrens, The Murder City Devils, The Wrens and maybe a little Of Montreal although I would not mind being left the Gorge by then. . .tomorrow. . . The PICA BEATS! The cutest name band in all of rock and also hopefully Blitzen Trapper, GoGol Bordello, Girl Talk and some other little suprises too!
Some other things: Having a blanket has made all the difference! I know I am kind of a baby but bringing a little blanket has made this festival experience great.
Also. . . Wow, what a great, smootly run festival. It it is great the level of care/detail everyone invovled has put into Sasquatch, and how great it has been to work with the staff so far. And I'm sure there will be all kinds of kvetching about the cost of beer/booze/food and honestly it is out of control ($15 margaritia anyone?) BUT I have always been bothered by fellow patrons needs to get wasted. I love to booze but at the same time, that is something I could do anytime.
I had a Southwestern Salad from Wendys last night, and it had beef chili on it but I was so hungry I didn't even care! I had half a shot of Disarono and passed out. Awesome!
From the window I can hear the first few notes of The Builders and the Butchers, and they sound pretty ok.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Continuing F A I L
Thank you for being so patient during the lengthy process of reading andselecting pantoums and senryu for our upcoming issue of McSweeney'sQuarterly. Unfortunately, we won't be able to include your poetry in ourproject. We received hundreds of submissions and could use only a handful ofthem, which means there are many excellent and wonderful poems that will notbeing going into the issue. That said, thank you for the enthusiasm andenergy you put into your work. It has been a true pleasure reading your poetry.
Sincerely, Graham W________ and Darren F__________
Assistant Editors, McSweeney's Quarterly Concern
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
I vant to suck yor bloooooddddd
Get ready for a supernerdgasm. Hello nerds, party of one? Your wedgie is ready . . .and you will like it. . .
Snap. Incase you may have forgotten Bram Stoker's Dracula is told in the epistlatory style, aka by a series of letters or diary entries. SOO Somebody (the blog above) is publishing the story in real time (the story starts on May the 3rd) so we can experience the book like the characters do! So neat!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
A Hostel Witness
Friday, May 1, 2009
Cleveland Doesn't Rock
ANYWAY the Cleveland chamber of comerace has released a SECOND Cleveland tourism video, these make me lolumsh (that means laff out loud until my sides h hurt)
bum bum, take a look at both of our buildings. . .
AND NOW they have another one!! ha ha ha
The Daily Plate
It takes a almost no effort and it tracks everything you eat in a day. It has the nutritional information on almost every kind of food imaginable, just type it in, and you can make sure you are eating a healthy balance of nutriants, carbs, protien etc everything! Plus it breaks down your exercise vs your food over time to help you see what you can be doing better (AND what you can cut back on :) to live a healthier life.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Maybe I'm the Biggest Loser
I mean not in a stupid Fashion is Art Top Model sort of way. But I mean in a I project everything I am into my clothes- the outward projection of my inner turmoil. Half of my closet is clothes that are too dear to even wear anymore (I won't get into the gritty details, but going through the shirts and jackets and faded dresses I was happy and sad and wistful, nostalgic to the highest degree, the feeling of the different fabrics so reminiscent of different times of my life.)
BUT anyway two big trash bags later, I am about half way through. It is so hard, I have to make a deal with myself that I A) can keep the clothes for a little while in the bags, to see if I miss them and B) that I don't have to throw the clothes away, I will donate them so they can go live happy second lives with someone else.
Does this make me foolish? Perhaps. But it is hard too, and perhaps it is not so bad to put trust and love into tangible things
You should have a press pass
All the time! When someone famous walks by, at concerts, when there is a fire, when there is a baby deer. We have created a society of paparazzi but what are we documenting everything for? And why have we removed ourselves by the filter of the camera? We are no longer engaging in tragedy/adventure we are just documenting it. . .like a whole city of Lelaina Pierces.
this whole thing was inspired by the new Matt and Kim video which is awesome which you can check out here but at the end the gal gets thrown to the ground pretty brutally as it is captured by a fat lady with a camera phone
The Swine Flu Day One: A day in links
Kingsford Goes to the Beach - video powered by Metacafe
Every Body Panic
And Don't Go to Mexico
This whole thing reminds me of John Bevridge talking about THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC and holding his hands up and wide apart like he was reading the words in lights
Despite having a skelton made of adamantium, Wolverine cancels all appearances in Mexico
The Real World Cancun must shut down filming (so: Wilma, 9/11 and now the Swine Pandemic, does MTVs the Real World have the worst luck ever or what? OR is someone at MTV headquarters connected in more evil ways that we thought?)
We've been through this before
THe first pictures of the infected are released to the public
AHHHH! No! You think I'm kidding but I am not. I have been flipping out all day. It is like the begining of a movie, a terrible one at that :(
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
My question is. . . why would you want to live that way!?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
And while I would probably never actually buy anything from the MJ auction, it is certainly fun to look at his extensive collection of creepy children statutes and baroque furniture. BUT if for some reason your name is Richard Branson and you are feeling charitable, please please will you buy me this Ripley's Believe it or Not PinBall table? As you know it is one of my life dreams to own a PinBall table, preferably this one once played by Michael Jackson
Monday, April 13, 2009

Hit me baby. . . no really hit me. . . I want you to hit me as hard as you can
As you may or may not know Britney Spears was recently in Seattle and my office of "music aficionados" was divided pretty evenly between people who were against the show on principle that it was Brittney Spears OR people who went to the show and justify it as a so-called guilty pleasure. I side with Chuck Klosterman in the opinion that there are no such things as guilty pleasure.
As far as it is "punk rock" to make fun of people who enjoy Britney Spears music, if you feel your tastes are elevated to the point of doing this, you must surely then be able to recoginize her importance as a cultural icon and how her complete lack of talent is exactly what elevates her worship to the perfect example of what is post modern
Last Sunday, the glittered hoards decended upon the Tacoma Dome, the great tit of the Northwest to see a woman that while claiming to be a musician has never claimed to have any ability to perform music perform a concert where no effort is made to even conceal the fact that no musical instruments are being played or songs being performed in anyway. It is like a scene out of Brave New World (like the super groovy Made for TV version, with Lenoard Nimoy) or maybe some better example of a dystopic future that I can't think of right now. But you know what I mean. Anyway I find if fascinating and depressing all at the same time, not least of which because I was not one of the lucky ones to get tickets.
In the tradition of extreme home makeover
From the always excellent Videogum!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
never to be seen again, always to be seen again
H-Mart is an "Asian Food" Grocery store that evolved into an enclosed mini-mall (would this just be a small mall?) There is a bank, a food court, a jewelry store, an event hall, a bank, etc although it is unclear to me if all these smaller stores are under the same ownership. We were there around 9:30 right when everything was closing and the proprietor did not seem pleased with our giggling exploration
The grocery store was the largest segment of the H-Mart whole by far. I was struck by A) how beautiful and bright the product packaging was and B) the incredible product variation.
Of course to my sheltered sensibilities the most amazing part was the meat and fish section which was huge and was where one could buy whole birds, freeze dried whole minnows, exotic mollusks etc. and most impressively an entire giant octopus for (we think) $40
I desperately wanted to buy this, but I could not figure out how that transaction would pan out once I was home. Most likely I would disect it and turn its limbs to art and then a cat snack
Lets get real
I read any article about a program called "Freedom" that disables the internet from your computer for a certian lenght of time of your choosing from five mins up to eight hours. How delicious. Her article is extremely great, self-reflective, funny and interesting my favorite line being: "I have found exactly how hungry -- and temporarily starved -- I've become for all the instant information I'm so used to having at my fingertips." Bingo
I feel like I am about to go on the best blind date of my life. I have que'ed up a bunch of DVDs and documentaries by Earl Morris who I have never even heard of before Monday but now I am kind of in total love with and I am so nervous his 12 part interview series wont live up to my expectations! After all Roger Ebert has said, "After twenty years of reviewing films, I haven't found another filmmaker who intrigues me more...Errol Morris is like a magician, and as great a filmmaker as Hitchcock or Fellini"
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This Elvis Perkins Album is so good it makes my face hurt a Blog in two parts
March 18th, 2009
Over the weekend I watched for the first time in a long-ish time Reality Bites. I love that movie so much. When it first came out I looked up to the characters as these marvolus role models of what "life" was "really like" then when I was the same age as them, I took comfort at chacters who really were just like me, scraping by, confused, dislliusioned etc. Now, as adult-ish it is funny because I realize how much that movie makes fun of those small chacters just as now I would.
I am savagely unplesant today but unapologieticly so. Perhaps it is because I am just now coming to terms with the fact I will never be a hand model. I am greatful however (as you should be) that I don't have the psychic abilities of say Drew Barrymore in "firestarter" or any number of the X-(wo)men because i would be incierating nice folks left and right
March 21st 2009
I realized on my next birthday I will be 27. UNfathomable.
I have had a wonderful kind of day today. Have you been to The Ave lately? It's kind of awesome now. There are all kinds of wonderful stores, including a GoodWill (and if by chance you are reading this Tamar, I DID go to Crossroads but it wasn't nearly as fun this time!) and no one asked me for change, and only one or two people I passed had tattoos on their faces (neither of which I mind, but have been listed as draw backs in popular alternative publications) BUT anyway I have been saying this forever but no one will believe me!
And sorry independent record stores, I really tried to buy this record which I am listening to right now (Ash Wednesday by Elvis Perkins) at you, but I couldn't find it (although I did very much enjoy listening to your employees debating Rhianna vs. Non-Abba Swedish Pop, but alas there was no jar to tip them for this service)
On the bus today a man of questionable domicile began to hiss at the woman sitting across from him. It was clear that his sense of what was "real" in relationship to everyone elses notion had melted in a serious. As I watched the hissing and eventual swearing and menacing glances I wondered if he knew he was "crazy" in the traditional sense and I feel like the answer is no. This makes me wonder: How far could we all be from this "norm", after all we have no reality measuring stick with which we can compare our coordinates
February 28th 2009
http://io9.com/5162582/several-mysterious-human-placentas-found-in-illinois-sewer-system If that isn’t the first line of a short short story I am afraid I don’t know what is.After my friend Brian’s Birthday on Saturday Night, perhaps early Sunday morning I was very hungry and stopped by the gas station near my house to pick up something. When I walked in, the store clerk (a large man with a large beard and a thick accent) greeted me “oH oh! Hello beautiful lady! You are a very beautiful lady” I thanked him and went about my business. While reviewing the options in the frozen burrito department some one tapped me on the shoulder, I spun around frightened. It was the clerk. He handed me a Snickers Bar and kissed my cheek, then wrapped his arms around me exclaiming “Hello Hello pretty lady! It’s is my birthday!” and asked me if I would like a beer. While I share excitement for birthdays all around, I am not a fan of anyone touching me; well basically ever. I pushed him off of me, wished him many happy returns and left
This is one of the best story I have ever heard http://jezebel.com/5162000/weta-workshop-designs-mermaid-tail-prosthetic-for-amputee
Footnote: Cheezy Rice! The spelling in this blog is appalling!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I thought this was going to be the best invention ever
THat is not a sandwich!! THat is nothing.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Octopus Doin'-It
Am I the only person who thinks Anna Wintour’s wig is really bad? I feel like we should expect more. . .
It’s finally happened. After literally years of fighting instinct I have started avoiding social events because I am uncomfortable walking around areas of Seattle at night alone. I don’t know if it is because of the recession or simply because I am getting older or what but the heart of downtown, even areas that were once “ok” like the Nordstrom corridor, have become increasingly creepy. I feel like that goat in Jurassic Park.
After seeing the Audyre Sessions Last Sunday night (who were great by the way) I went to get cash out of the ATM and I got this message
Hey, thanks. Now even computers feel free to help me out only when they feel like it.
In other news, Aleistar the cat is (hopefully) in the height of his angst-ridden adolescence and has taken to spending long periods of time starring out the window like a teenage girl.
OH and let me tell you something else. I went to Octopus Week at the Aquarium on Sunday. It was fantastic if not packed (the highlight being able to use the MEMBER entrance and the MEMBER line as I am officially now a card carrying member of the Seattle Aquarium Society). Octopus week serves as a small example of what I love about aquariums. Each year the Aquarium raises a male octopus specifically to make him with their female Octopus on February 14th. They decorate the outside of the tank with hearts and flowers, play romantic music and in an unexpectedly kinky twist, they invite members of the public to come watch. Then on February 15th (and I saw this part!) they release the make Octopus into The Puget Sound (that’s the body of water I’m thinking of, right?) and escort him to an inviting rock pile under the aquarium where a veritable colony of jilted cephalopod lovers has sprung. How fantastic and. The ceremonial Octopus release is great two. They roll him down a long boardwalk in a decorated bucket past throngs of his adoring fans, down a gangplank and then . . . they just dump the bucket into the water SPLOOSH.
I think I am against Twitter, although I am not 100% sure yet.
And what is tumblr? Do I need one of those?
I tried two new foods in the last week, which is something I don’t get to say very often:
And greek yougart with honey
And I am pleased to say I was simply delighted by both!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
25 things I wrote for facebook
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. My patron is St. Patrick, who is also the patron saint of snakes and beers
2. I have reoccuring dreams of tidal waves
3. Like XXXtina, Heather and half of the Beatles, I am also left-handed
4. Pine trees are my least favorite tree
5. I’ve never cheated at a board game
6. I have been a vegitarian for 10 years, but the first thing I would eat if I stopped is Fried Chicken
7. I kiss my cat on the lips
8. I DO judge people by their musical choices
9. My idea of a perfect first date is going to Aquarium and the record store and then delicious food
10. I may pretend like I have elevated tastes, but the only thing I like to watch on TV is the trashiest trash
11. I’m a science fair champion (more than once)
12. I can knit, but only variations on square things (scarves, table runners, potholders, coasters etc)
13. I know all the dance moves to The Brady Bunch Family Song "Keep On!"
14. The most expensive article of clothing I own is my Doc Martin MONSTER Boots. the second most expensive article of clothing I own was only about $35 (My converse)
15. Sandwiches are my favorite food
16. I wrote and directed a full length play for children
17. Writing Blogs makes me feel less lonely
18. I don’t wear make-up because because I feel it gives girls an unfair advantage over boys in terms of being good looking
19. I am very impatient,but that’s only because I get so excited
20. One of my life goals is to walk across hot coals (and to climb out the top of a stalled elevator)
21. I was almost an anthropologist
22. I have no tolerance for rudeness
23. My ears are pierced eight times
24. I feel like I grasp the magic of both objects and spaces
25. Like Keith Richards, I understand that while the rock is important, of equal importance is the roll
Monday, January 26, 2009
Dear Marlin Fishermen (and women)
I am going to start caring big fucking hooks around with me so that if I ever meet you I can hook your face.
I am not 100% positive this is true,by the way. I went to the website but I am not sure. Also, if anyone wants to buy me that tee shirt that would be pretty awesome!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Sweet Dreams
If you are a nerd like me you will probably like this movie, it is a little long but a delight the entire time.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Ann Coulter is acting like a C word
I try to stay apolitical (as a good anarchist) and so I title this without any liberal bias- that being said have you seen this video of Ann Coulter on the Today Show? I mean just watch a little of it:
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
(full disclaimer: while not passing political judgement I am 100% team today show and had Ann Curry been conducting the interview I would wager that Ms Coulter would have to have her jaw wired shut again. Also for the record I have strong opinions about Ann Coulter politically that I will not disclose but feel free to contact me offline if you are really interested)
SERIOUSLY, are you Five years old Ann? Or worse 14? You are behaving like a rejected highschool student who when backed into a corner only talk louder, clinging and repeating a half-truth. She may be a genius in some regard because I can't stop watching this (in the same way that I can't stop picking at a scab) embarrassment for her washes over me.
I read an interesting article about a woman who's PMS is so severe that her husband of 17 years left her, citing that very fact as the singular reason for his departure. The woman claimed ignorance that anything was out of the ordinary with her until the very moment he left her, received treatment and six months later they are reunited and happier than ever. This story reads almost like a fortune cookie "An action you perceive as normalcy in actuality is devastating for everyone around you"
Unlike this woman I am very conscious of my own inability to contain my gloom, projecting a virtual little black rain cloud of despair. Guess what - I am unapologetic.
Speaking of being emo: This is a real website and I could not be more disappointed that I am only finding it now and NOT ten years ago when I was 16.
This makes my heart soar