I don't think I've ever been shy about my (personal) distaste with women who "Slut-it-up" for Halloween. The act of wearing revealing clothing in and of itself isn't offensive, but the fact that women need a "holiday" to be sexually liberated (a better way is express themselves freely in a sexual way) is an excellent example of the ongoing repression of women in America. Aditionally, I feel like most (not all) women are "naughty" on Halloween because it is an opportunity to gain power within our patriarical society-- my exception to this is because they are only creating frustration by exemplifing a male fantasy of women - this sense of power women gain is fleeting and in reality is harmful to women as a whole because men cease to be people but are transformed to two dimension beings who's sole secret desire is satify men. There isn't anything wrong with wanting to feel sexy and powerful, but as a society I think we should look at the reasons why October 31st makes women act this way.
Plus it's cold! Have some common sense ladiez!
But regardless of your opinons on the above, can we get together and adleast admit that THIS is harmful to women everywhere?

I have difficulty understanding what 9 or 10 year old girl would want to be a devil for Halloween and a slutty devil at that? This blog has an interesting article about it
Most people I know were a witch at least once when they were a kid- and the fun of being a witch is having a green face and an ugly nose. Even if you want to be pretty witch (totes understandable) -- seriously? High heels and fishnets? Halloween is about walking around in the dark for kids- is this even safe? Not to sound too much like Andy Rooney- but honestly- this just makes me sad.
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- Ben
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